The Irish Backgammon League
The league is split into divisions of ten players and runs three times per year, beginning on the first day of January, April and October. We play eleven-point matches, with points awarded for both PR and match wins. At the conclusion of each season there is promotion & relegation.
To qualify to play in the league you must either be resident on the island of Ireland, or else an Irish citizen living abroad. The league is run in a friendly, social atmosphere, open to players of all abilities. We particularly encourage people new to the game to join, as the league format gives a perfect space to gain experience and develop your skills, allowing you to progress through the divisions as you improve.
"The blunders are all there on the board, waiting to be made."
~ Savielly Tartakower
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Words of wisdom:
"From the cradle to the grave Egyptians play Backgammon, the game of the great Pharaohs. They play well, they play rapidly, they play quietly; they smile and talk a little and they never complain of their luck. They smoke their narguilés and drink their café turc. They believe that luck and skill is the just, the inevitable, reward of the skillful."

Georges Mabardi
"You cannot be a top tournament backgammon player if you do not know what the match equity is. Believe me."
"Every turn is a new cube decision. Always. Never forget. The biggest error you can make is to fail to double at the appropriate time."
"In the short run, there are no guarantees. You may become an excellent player and still loose a 100-point session to a clod, or get knocked out in the first round of six consecutive tournaments, or reach the final of the biggest tournament of your life and loose 0-25. Those are the breaks. If you can't handle that much uncertainty, tough. Go play chess."
"Never, ever, grab the first good looking play you see. There is often a better move around the corner. Go look for it."